Kristi Vloedman, LMBT, CNRT-M
Licensed Massage & Bodywork Therapist

COVID-19 Protocols

Covid is still an ongoing part of our daily lives and while the world at large and many medical facilities have begun to relax their safety procedures, I will be maintaining a mandatory mask policy and will re-evaluate in 2025.  Many of my clients as well as myself are immune compromised.  I am committed  to keeping all who enter my office safe and healthy while also personally motivated to avoid becoming ill and missing out on income for an extended period of time due to exposure.
Equipment Changes/Additions
PECO Medical Grade Air Purifier - Photo Electrical Oxidation - Nanotechnology - proven to kill airborne viruses at a molecular level.
Disposable Linens - pillow cases and face cradle covers.
Disposable Masks - to be worn by myself and clients at all times. ** NO EXCEPTIONS.
Personal Items  - Please keep items to a minimum. No outside food or drinks.
Building Entry & Exit
The front door codes will remain disabled and lobby closed, please wait in your car.  Text me upon arrival and I will let you in the building.  If you do not have a mask, I will provide you with a new disposable mask (at no charge) prior to entering the building.
At all times the windows in the treatment room will be open to facilitate good air circulation.
Scheduling & Cancellations Modifications :
My cancellation policy has been modified to offer greater flexibility.  You MUST cancel if you are not feeling well, I ask you to do so immediately and there will be no penalty.  I also kindly ask that this policy also not be abused.
Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns prior to scheduling.  If you are not in accord with these safety requirements, I ask you to not schedule at this time.
- You've had a fever in the last 24 hours.
- You now, or have recently had any flu like symptoms, sore throat, or shortness of breath.
- You have been in contact with anyone in the last 10 days who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or has coronavirus type symptoms.
- You either CANNOT or WILL NOT wear proper face covering (mouth and nose) for the duration of your time in the office.
Let's strive to keep each other Safe, Healthy and Strong.  Thank you!
-Per Executive order No. 215 - Private businesses may require face coverings and not be in violation of the E.O. 215
-Per NC Board of Massage and Bodywork Therapy - Rule .0510 provides an LMBT may refuse to provide service/treatment should they be concerned about their safety or the safety of their clients.
Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
© Copyright 2025 Kristi Vloedman, LMBT, CNRT-M. All rights reserved.